
Installing GeoCAT-comp via Conda

The easiest way to install GeoCAT-comp is using Conda:

conda create -n geocat -c conda-forge -c ncar geocat-comp

where “geocat” is the name of a new conda environment, which can then be activated using:

conda activate geocat

Example code provided with this documentation frequently makes use of other software packages, such as Matplotlib, Cartopy, PyNGL, and Jupyter, which you may wish to install into your geocat environment. The following conda create command can be used to create a new conda environment that includes some of these additional commonly used Python packages pre-installed:

conda create -n geocat -c conda-forge -c ncar geocat-comp pyngl matplotlib cartopy jupyter

Alternatively, if you already created a conda environment using the first command (without the extra packages), you can activate and install the packages in an existing environment with the following commands:

conda activate geocat # or whatever your environment is called
conda install -c conda-forge pyngl matplotlib cartopy jupyter

Please note that the use of the conda-forge channel is essential to guarantee compatibility between dependency packages.

Also, note that the Conda package manager automatically installs all required dependencies, meaning it is not necessary to explicitly install Python, NumPy, Xarray, or Dask when creating an envionment. Although packages like Matplotlib are often used with GeoCAT-comp, they are considered optional dependencies and must be explicitly installed.

If you are interested in learning more about how Conda environments work, please visit the managing environments page of the Conda documentation.

Building GeoCAT-comp from source

Building GeoCAT-comp from source code is a fairly straightforward task, but doing so should not be necessary for most users. If you are interested in building GeoCAT-comp from source, you will need the following packages to be installed.

Required dependencies for building GeoCAT-comp

  • Python 3.5+

  • numpy

  • xarray

  • cython

  • dask

  • pytest

  • ncomp

  • Any C compiler (GCC, Clang, etc)

How to create a Conda environment for building GeoCAT-comp

The GeoCAT-comp source code includes two Conda environment definition files in the build_envs directory that can be used to create a development environment containing all of the packages required to build GeoCAT-comp. The file environment_Linux.yml is intended to be used on Linux systems, while environment_Darwin.yml should be used on macOS. It is necessary to have separate environment_*.yml files because Linux and macOS use different C compilers, although the following commands should work on both Linux and macOS:

conda env create -f build_envs/environment_$(uname).yml
conda activate geocat_build

Installing GeoCAT-comp

Once the dependencies listed above are installed, you can install GeoCAT-comp with the command:

pip install .

If you are using a conda environment as described above, this command should work as-is. However, if you have chosen to use a different Python binary and have installed dependencies elsewhere, you may need to set certain environment variables (CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, or LDFLAGS) in order for the script to find all of the necessary dependency packages. Due to the potentially complicated nature of the build process, we strongly recommend using Conda to configure your build environment.

Testing a GeoCAT-comp build

A GeoCAT-comp build can be tested from the root directory of the source code repository using the following command:

pytest test